
4:08 p.m. - 06/23/2006
158.8 by night and 155.6 by morning.
I exercise an hour each day and eat many small meals a day. For instance I pack two pickles, 10 baby carrots, 3 cerely stalks (large), an apple, an orange and salad for lunch then eat somthing like a grapefruit or an orange or a microwave bag of low fat popcon for my afternoon snack/supper. I think the eating is healthy and so is the exercise but it makes me sleepy as heck.


I'm Eating: nothing right now


9:27 a.m. - 03/24/2006
Another Two Pounds
January and February I was on Atkins very strictly. I lost two pounds. That's it, just two pounds. I couldn't be that strict without results so I stopped doing Atkins so strictly and I added an apple for desert and two slices of bread for a sandwich and a slice of tomato for the sandwich too. I lost another two pounds. Go figure. I don't know what my body is up to anymore but something has changed and I have to experiment and find out what it responds to now.

I'm Eating: Peanuts


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Last Five Entries:

My WW Flaws + 10/20/2006
Weight Watchers Finally! + 09/11/2006
I'm still standing + 07/18/2006
Wishy Washy + 07/18/2006
High and Low + 07/13/2006

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