
3:59 p.m. - 2005-10-24
Getting The Party Started
Okay Diet Friends, I switched it back to the regular diary style. Hopefully we won't step over each other's entries now. Here's what I posted earlier:

How about I get this puppy started! We're three women on the verge of new bodies. Sharing our weight loss journey with each other.

I weighed in today after my first week back on the WW program. I'm down 1.8 pounds. I'm not happy about that. I'd have thought that on my first week back, I'd drop a whole lot more.

Unfortunately, I wasn't so good at staying on program this weekend. I ended up going about 10 flex points in the hole. Not good. But, it could have been worse and let's not forget:

I lost 1.8 pounds!!!


I'm Eating:


Previous + Next

Last Five Entries:

My WW Flaws + 10/20/2006
Weight Watchers Finally! + 09/11/2006
I'm still standing + 07/18/2006
Wishy Washy + 07/18/2006
High and Low + 07/13/2006

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